Document and Archive Storage Essex

Microfilm Scanning

Microfilm scanning

Our scanning bureau provide scanning services to companies all over the UK, PDM specialises in all types of Microfilm scanning (16mm 70mm and 35mm (Drawings/Plans) / reeled film, Microfiche scanning (16mm (A4) and 35mm (Drawings/Plans) and Aperture card (1 x 35mm Microfilm Frame on a Card) scanning services.

Whatever your scanning requirements are, PDM can provide expertise to scan your microfiche / microfilm / aperture cards to high quality digital images at a low cost!
Our specialised document imaging, capture and data conversion bureau services include:

•  High-Speed Microfilm Conversion up to 350PPM
•  Multi-Film formats for Roll Film, Microfiche, and Aperture Cards
•  Simultaneous Bi-Tonal and Grayscale Image Scanning
•  Superior Image Quality
•  Scan Directly to File Server
•  Point and Click User-Friendly Interface, with Instant Feedback
•  User Programmable Gamma Correction
•  Grayscale 4, 8, 12-Bit Output
•  12-Bit Camera Input
•  Namer – Indexes Files Automatically Using Blips
•  Batch Scan/Manual Scan
•  Camera Resolution Selectable 8160/4080 (match DPI need)
•  Inch/Millimeter Readouts
•  Ultra Fiche Size Handled
•  Image Sub-Windows