07000 560 560 / 01621 894 117
Scan on Demand
Scan on demand offers the ultimate in efficiency. We collect, catalogue and store your hard copy files in our secure archives. Then, rather than delivering the original file to your office, the content of the file is scanned and returned to the archive in its original location.
The scanned image is loaded into our database for future use. The file is normally scanned and saved in a pdf file type. Other formats can be used for colour images etc. The file can then be electronicaly transfer encrypted to you. Large files can be transfered securly with no software to learn or manage.
Some of the advantages of scan on demand are as follows:-
- Bulk scanning of entire archive may not be necessary
- Fast retrieval times
- Low cost retrievals
- Files can be sent to any location world wide
- Files can be sent to multiple locations
- Low cost digitisation of records.